Do you find that the parts of your job that once excited and challenged you have become boring and same-old, same-old? Has your motivation and enthusiasm for your work taken a nosedive? Do you feel restless, hungry for something else but not really sure what that could be?
You may be experiencing a mid-career crisis. You’re not alone - it’s actually quite common. There could be a lot of reasons for your mid-career slump – Maybe you’ve become competent in the work, and are no longer learning anything new or feeling challenged. Maybe there’s not enough variety in your role or you’re not using your strengths. Maybe you’ve lost connection to your company’s culture or don’t feel appreciated for what you do. Maybe fighting too many ‘fires’ prevents you from engaging in the most meaningful work. Maybe your industry has drastically evolved, or your values and interests have changed throughout your career. These situations can cause many of us to slip into the mentality of “I only have (five, ten, fifteen) … more years until retirement.”
Whatever the cause, you don’t have to stay stuck.
In this session, I will show you the 5 steps to take your career from a slump into its lifetime high point and create more satisfaction, success and joy in your professional and personal lives. I’ll show you how to:
Understand what is causing your current dissatisfaction.
Envision a different way of being and a new set of dreams.
Get clear on who you are and what’s most excites you.
Get organized, energized and focused.
Clear away any obstacles to achieving what you want.
You’ll learn how to create a path to a future that thrills you in every way!